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Spiritual Fable

a person standing on a beach near a body of waterFaith Aloha

It Brandon “Believes” Alika Yadao in honor. I thank Virtue Goddess, Grandpa Cisario “Sunny” Alex Yadao, Virtue Ancient Spirits! Including my parents Danny & Valerie Yadao, all spirits who put true positive It blessings into my life, future and helped me see when my vision got altered.

Born & raised on O’ahu, Hawai’i, USA, Universe since 1993. I have two older brothers Robert & Christopher. We all would go fishing at different spots around the island for fun and for food guided from my Dad. My Mom would be called the Oama mama because she used to stand in the water hand poling Oama while pregnant. The quality spent together with warriors who appreciate It is passion.


My Grandpa Cisario loves to fish, freedive, crab. My Uncle David loves to free dive, surf, crab, fish. Uncle Art is a strong longtime shoreline fisher. Uncle Tracy enjoys paddling. Uncle Alvin, cousin Kaimana and Kahaulelio love the shoreline trowing pole, net, freediving, riding waves, crabbing. Growing up in central O’ahu Waipio, Waipahu in my Grandfathers family gathering house is senitmental. Climbing to the top of the wooden playground at Holy Family on Nimits is also where I had nap time in preschool. Riding the path to Kanoelani Elementary School and having food ready from Grandma Carmalita after was blessings. I’ve learned about fishing before I could cast and majority of the Hawaiian fish names by age 6. On a spiritual note, their was a time when looking for a missing chess piece, I asked God where is. I heard, “under the rocking chair” and their I found the Queen.

We would go torching at night searching tide pools and shallow areas finding Sleeping Uhus, Night He’e, Weke, 711 Crab, Puhi and more. Hand poled in Maili catching big Kupipis with my brother. I made my first cast at age 6 at Bellows and hooked up to multiple Legal Omilus. On occasions around age 8 we would go camping at bellows and I remember whipping catching Mois. We would have gathering picnics at the Ala Moana high rise while the first thing my Grandpa & I would do is either fish or dive. We went diving and I seen a couple White Papios though was just out of reach with the three prong. Threw fishing rods the next day and caught the same size Trevallies seen. I remember my Grandpa, Dad, Chris & I were fishing at the Iroqouis dock and we were hooking up to skreelaz real quick nearly every cast.


Grandpa Cisario

During Pearl City Intermediate School, Legendary Grandpa Cisario passed away on February 15th, 2004. There were times while spearfishing I felt It wasn’t me who stone aimed on a Omilu and Barracuda. Also with casts, some casts happen for a good reason to hook fish. Friends I’ve met through my brother Chris such as Micah & Terry would come fishing, diving, crabbing with us. We were at Haleiwa whipping and Micah was hooking many Yellow Spot Papios. He told me slow It down, keep the line tight, pulling back without reeling and reel going forward. Fish were going into the tidepool! We would go fishing overnight during our Pearl City High Schools days featuring Jamie & more fishaz. We would tropo on the North, East, South & West shore. Hooking Uluas, Papios, O’ios and more sea critters. I brought my group of friends on other occasions with my gear as well.


After high school we all have our own responsibilities to care through life. I continued to go fishing even with just my body along the shoreline. I would wake up early, drive before traffic, get to the spot by sunrise. Fish, bodyboard, spearfish. Or home by noon, eat, clean house, input knowledge into this business, lift weight, eat, power nap, watch sports and go to my evening job. I would bring my family & friends fishing and have fun. My Grandpa admired the lifestyle & pace I live spiritually then one day after washing the dishes I could hear him saying,” you ready for It Grandson?” I responded with my inside voice, “I Believe” though something felt incomplete. I walked in the hallway towards my room and my Grandpa’s spirit went into my heart. I felt super strong ready to achieve magical missions! As soon as I fell asleep, my Grandpa Cisario “Sunny” Alex Yadao showed me visions/dreams with a background of Holy Sacred fishing places. It was a super special shoreline fishing education process personally for me, with Holy Ancient & Hu Warriors who my Grandpa & I shared visions with.

My Grandpa’s ghost friends are part of this journey providing stories, spots, advice. It all felt real as I was seeing places to fish, what to be aware of, where not to bring clients. I was being shown visions of the future of each shoreline fishing O’ahu, Hawai’i expedition with clients that became seen in reality, in the moment. Was given visions of fish I would catch as well for the clients. The volume was of believing supporters and I communicating. A real vision sounds as the wind/ocean when you hold a cowry shell to your ear along with visional clear orbs. My body spirit was implanted with Spiritual Super Powers. It is never over and positive occasions may be set in place. We have the ability to see, hear the future, give people visions of the future to use and make the universe a better place, being a superhero. It It the mission!

We have successfully used visions though there was a whole lot more to see and use with Faith Spirits who were perfect through the process while a evil person tried to take, curse, manipulate, brainwash, speed me up (as I burnt out), destroy me, my relationships, visions, life on purpose because of disbelieving, disrespecting, jealousy, hate. Evil said, “sit on the corner table wait for me” then said “give me it, give me all of it.” A lot started to fade instantly, my Ancient Grandpa and more got taken. For about a whole week, Grandpa was showing him visions while sleeping when it was for me as I felt as a lost duck when I slept. Grandpa noticed your not my Grandson. Found his way back after a lot of valuable missed visions and I still wasn’t myself. From their I had to get back what I could but too much respect and not enough defense not knowing about it completely when I really do believe had me fighting for my life.

After three years this guy told me, ‘sorry for destroying your visions and hurting your feelings’.

I’ve been recovering with thee ancients best spiritual help, while others tell me negatively otherwise. Whether I make it to atleast where I was when ready to evolve from a million to a billion, there will always be so much lost, will remember and be devastated. I do apologize for all my sins, immaturity, missed visions. My serious, sincere, senitmental sympathy to victims of evil. Please live eternally with no pain valued not evil. Ancient Believers, Kupuna, Modern & Keiki were given visions of the future, television shows not out yet, hearing songs not out yet. We had conversations without speaking out loud using our Warrior voice. It It real!

I truly Believe we would have used all visions because we had the strongest feeling ever & seen the visions of accomplishment. I love It & I wouldn’t leave It fo nawtin. I remember the feeling of a real vision/dream that could happen, we my prevent if negative and stay ready with my Google Calendar & Notes to log the mission/vision because It It thee mission and bringing people shoreline fishing is my Destiny… Faithfully, Rightfully, Believing, Achieving, Evolving, Always, Forever, Eternally, With Passion, Love, Loyalty, Respect, Humbleness, Appreciation.